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  • Writer's pictureThe British Polio Fellowship

BPF produce referral letter for polio survivors

Charity, The British Polio Fellowship has produced a letter for polio survivors which they can take to their GP if they need a referral for post-polio syndrome.

The Fellowship has written a letter for individuals affected by polio and experiencing new or deteriorating symptoms, to give to their General Practitioner (GP) to explain why they may need a referral to a local neurological consultant or a specialist clinic for post-polio syndrome (PPS).

The letter would ideally be accompanied by a copy of the Fellowship's Optimal Clinical Pathway for Polio Survivors (including late effects of polio and post-polio syndrome), which was formally launched on 20 March.

Post-polio syndrome affects people who have previously contracted polio, and can include a range of symptoms which develop gradually over time. These symptoms include:

  • persistent fatigue (extreme tiredness)

  • muscle weakness

  • shrinking muscles

  • muscle and joint pain

  • sleep apnoea

Some people also develop breathing and swallowing difficulties.


An early diagnosis and treatment for post-polio syndrome may help slow it down and help an individual maintain a descent quality of life. Without intervention, post-polio syndrome can have a significant impact on a person's everyday life, making it difficult to them to get around and carry out certain tasks or activities.

The British Polio Fellowship encourage polio survivors to get in touch, to talk about their polio experience. Where possible it will tell them about a neurological consultant with an interest in polio, located at an NHS hospital in their local area.

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