On Thursday 17 February, members of the British Polio Fellowship attended a Zoom meeting to hear from the Board, an update on its new strategy.
Jerry Hutchinson, Strategy Lead and acting Vice-Chair was joined by fellow Trustees, Frances Quinn, Gordon Richardson (acting Chair) and Terry Blackman explained why the strategy was developed, its progress to date and gave members an opportunity to comment.
The strategy will focus on five distinct work areas; Improving Communication, People, Financial Resources, Outreach and Health and Wellbeing. For each work area a small group of Trustees and staff have identified the ‘hot topics’ and what needs to be achieved. Work on Outreach and Health and Wellbeing is yet to begin, but as soon as discussions have been finalised, consultations will follow.
With all the preliminary work complete the Board will review everything as a whole and agree an action plan with realistic, timed, resourced and deliverable outcomes. Members are being kept up to date on everything and asked to feedback on a regular basis.
Photo by Michael Fousert on Unsplash